iuVCR [/dev:<DeviceIndex>][/ch:N] [/d:SSSS][/f:<FileName.avi>] [/vxb:<VIN>][/axb:<AIN>][/p:<PresetName
| PresetID>][/mute][/notv][/noxbar] [ /pwr:<o>|<h>],
DeviceIndex | Capture device index, if it isn't the only in the system. May take the values: 1,2,3,...N |
N |
TV channel index. If exceeds 3200, is interpreted as frequency in Hz. |
Recording time in seconds. |
Audio In crossbar index. |
Video In crossbar index. |
/mute |
Mute the Windows system mixer master channel on startup. |
/notv |
Don't try to initialize TV tuner module. |
/noxbar |
Don't try to initialize TV crossbar module. |
/p | Preset ID or name. |
/pwr | System hibernate (/pwr:h) or turn off power (/pwr:o) on recording completion |
iuVCR automatically starts capture if any of the following parameters are set in the command line: ch, d, f, vxb, axb, p. You may start your iuVCR from external programs, such as scheduler.
iuVCR /ch:7 /f:"c:\My Clips\News.avi" /d:600 |
News on channel 7 will be recorded for 600 sec (10 min) with the "Default" preset |
iuVCR /ch:75000000 /f:"c:\My Clips\TomAndJerry.avi" /d:900 /p:Cartoons |
.A cartoon film on 75MHz frequency will be recorded for 900 sec with "Cartoons" preset. |