iuVCR command line parameters:

iuVCR [/dev:<DeviceIndex>][/ch:N] [/d:SSSS][/f:<FileName.avi>] [/vxb:<VIN>][/axb:<AIN>][/p:<PresetName | PresetID>][/mute][/notv][/noxbar] [ /pwr:<o>|<h>], 


DeviceIndex  Capture device index, if it isn't the only in the system. May take the values: 1,2,3,...N

 TV channel index. If exceeds 3200, is interpreted as frequency in Hz.


 Recording time in seconds.


 Audio In crossbar index.


 Video In crossbar index.


 Mute the Windows system mixer master channel on startup.


 Don't try to initialize TV tuner module.


 Don't try to initialize TV crossbar module.

/p  Preset ID or name.
/pwr  System hibernate (/pwr:h) or turn off power (/pwr:o) on recording completion

iuVCR automatically starts capture if any of the following parameters are set in the command line: ch, d, f, vxb, axb, p. You may start your iuVCR from external programs, such as scheduler.


iuVCR /ch:7 /f:"c:\My Clips\News.avi" /d:600
News on channel 7 will be recorded for 600 sec (10 min) with the "Default" preset


iuVCR /ch:75000000 /f:"c:\My Clips\TomAndJerry.avi" /d:900 /p:Cartoons
.A cartoon film on 75MHz frequency will be recorded for 900 sec with "Cartoons" preset.